Front Fender, GRP, HRC NSR250 replica
Front Fender, Factory HRC NSR250 Racer Style. This front fender is designed to fit HRC factory NSR250 forks but could possibly made to fit other models with suitable mounting hardware. It is similar in styling to the front fenders used by factory riders such as Cadalora, Biaggi, Ukawa, Okada etc. in the years 1992-1995. The reason for this fender being in our line up is we were lucky enough to source some factory forks and needed a fender to go with them and wanted something as close the original as possible and designed it from photos and memory so while similar, it is not an exact replica. In any case if you look at the fenders used by HRC at that time, you can see that there are slight differences between years and bikes.
We don’t know if it will fit any other models but we know it does not fit any other front ends that we have tested it on such as NX5, RVF400, NSR50 MC18/21/28 etc.